Fixing Rogue Turns
Ok so finally I fixed the rogues' broken turns in the world. To explain, the rogues had been breaking in the world when their turns would come up and interact with the player. Stuff like letting the rogue start combat or having a rogue take multiple turns in a row would consistently break the build and make the game unplayable. What I believe was causing it was 3 things. The first thing was that the rogues were all moving at the same time. This would cause them, although a bit rare, to run onto the same tile as other rogues. The rogues couldn't predict where the other rogues were going to move so they would just run forward and hope for the best. This caused tons of problems as the tiles wouldn't keep track of the multiple rogues on the same tile and rogues would essentially disappear from the tile system as they would be hiding behind another rogue. I fixed this by making the rogues move 1 at a time. This fixed this and helped clear a lot of headaches since I could focus...