Working on Movement

Author: Jose Garcia
Posted on 9/13/2021

    I was tasked with creating the system that makes the player move along the tiles. The player needed to move by clicking on each tile and then traveling to it. As it stood before, the player couldn't move at all so this was a high priority. 

    To fix it, I implemented a rudimentary system for the tiles to detect who is on the tile and its neighbors. Then, I used mouse to screen raycasting in order to get the position of mouse clicks. Finally, I used that to determine the pathing for the player to turn and move towards. It's not in its final stages yet as the player moves directly to its destination instead of finding the correct path along with the tiles, but it's a start. I plan on correcting it so that it follows along with the tiles and then copying that sort of system to the monsters as well in the future. 
