Updates and UI mockups!

 Hey there people,

This last week I have been mostly working on the Design Document, and now on the Technical Document. I didn't have any problems with those mostly. What I have started doing yesterday and will be one of my main goals for the following days will be implementing general UI systems and possibly start working on the AI for our first enemy! 

Here are some UI mockups that I did last week:

- The menu will have a dynamic 3D background and the Menu Options will be part of that background. The idea that I'm thinking most about is that the options are signs on a fork in the road to a forest. When I draw that I will show it in the next update.

- This is a party selection screen, with your active party at the top and all your other characters and items and party stats at the bottom. I am still working on it, trying to figure out a way to make it more interesting.

- This is my general guide for the worldview of the game. You would have the pause menu and some info at the top. Then the mission and inventory screens (togglable), and the info of each player in your party. Then also, in dynamic text onscreen will be general party info.

For the In-Combat screen, there is no mockup yet, but it will have each party members information at the bottom, also the attacks available when it is their turn. All your options of attack or flee or heal, etc..., those will be at the side, most probably on the left.

Other than that I will be also working on pause menus, possibly on the main menu too. Just general menu stuff. As for AI, there is not much that can be done yet, so I'll wait for updates on the player side as I work on the UI.

Anyway, hope you have a great day!

~ Dev Isadora         
